¨yet, those that survived, could not be recalled from the spiritual death, which they had incurred through their sins, either by the death of their friends, or the fear of death.¨
¨ which, as the event plainly showed, was brought about by the Lord's will, that evil might fall upon them for their wicked deeds."
1. Yes, I'd like one of those cakes, please.
2. "Can you please take a photo of us?"
"Sure, you can stand over there."
3. "Can we please have these two t-shirts?"
"Yes, which colours would you like?"
4. "I'd like a cappuccino, please."
"Would you like chocolate on it?"
-im here to speak for all generations to come
-to come five thousand miles to tell you adults you must change your ways.
My story begins the day I woke up, ready to climb on the roof of my house and fly. I am a very creative person and sometimes I have very peculiar ideas, when I was a child, this characteristic was much more extravagant.
The day I decided to fly, I told my mom about my plan to jump, I told her it wasn't fair for gravity to stop my desires. My mother forbade me, clearly, but it made me a stubborn child and I decided to jump anyway.
I climbed on the roof, spread my arms and jumped. Second later I hit the floor hard, luckily the keyboard was low and I didn't get hurt badly, but I suffered some cuts and bled a lot.
Irregular verbs in history acciam are marked in bold.
Irregular verbs are those that undergo strong changes in their radicals, depending on the conjugation and the tense that is being used. Often the spelling of these verbs is completely changed.