In the provinces were divided into Chinese judged by chief;Under the chief were the head responsible for the villages. The Empire has had a fixed army, where the main duty was to defend/develop the empire. The king/Caesar was a symbol of the unit because he was half-divine.
Emperor Meiji finally achieved to get over the ancient and previous traditions of Shogun Lords, which lasted almost 800 years. With, the Meiji restoration, the country formerly established relations with powers in Europe, the United States, and other parts of the world. This became key "in putting Japan into the scene", in the international community. The ancient practices were not fostered anymore (based on Cultural and social distinctions ). It can be said that the nation had formerly consisted of huge differences to be considered relating what people have as an office, the status they served, etc.
So Japan finally entered the modern world, after a long series of wars that were targeted to maintaining the cultural unity and a policy of isolationism that also resulted in upgrading and incorporating changes in Japan foreign policy and structure of the military.
More than 12 million people served during the war.
It was the opposite way it lend to it