#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main() {
char choice;
cout << setprecision(12) << endl;
while(true) {
int sign = 1;
double pi = 0;
cout << "Enter number of terms: ";
long n;
cin >> n;
for(long i = 1; i < n; i += 2) {
pi += sign/(double)i;
sign = -sign;
pi *= 4;
cout << "value of pi for n = " << n << " is " << pi << endl;
cout << "Do you want to try again(y or n)? ";
cin >> choice;
if(choice == 'n' || choice == 'N') {
return 0;
Php. 1050
Total Room sales for Room 101:
Rate = 350
Number of times occupied = 3
Total sales per room : (number of times room was occupied * rate of the room.)
Hence, total sales for room 101:
Php. 350 * 3
= Php. 1050
Option D is correct i.e., =DATEDIF(C2, $AE$2, "y").
The user's supervisor well into the following department tells him to compose the feature which measures the amount that times staff has served in their company utilizing the DATEDIF feature. Consider whether C2 includes the hiring dates for that staff and then that cell $AE$2 includes the cut-off point for whom to evaluate the hiring time with the duration of the service.
So, therefore the following option is correct according to the given scenario.
The designs on the map of the GPS system Im would think but can you be more specific?