Marxists believe proletarian revolutions can and will likely happen in all capitalist countries, related to the concept of world revolution.
Diplomasi adalah amalan mempengaruhi keputusan dan tingkah laku pemerintah asing atau organisasi antara kerajaan melalui dialog, perundingan, dan cara lain yang tidak ganas. ... Kebanyakan diplomasi sekarang dilakukan oleh pegawai yang bertauliah, seperti utusan dan duta besar, melalui pejabat urusan luar negeri yang berdedikasi.
The official record of congressional votes is published by the government, and it's known as the "Congressional Record" - that's where you should look for the information you need.
It is printed daily (whenever there is a session) and available on the official site of the government. You can see there the individual votes and also the number of votes for and against.