As various European imperial powers settled on the new continent of North America, their conflicts became transatlantic. The Anglo-Dutch Wars were primarily over trade supremacy. ... Britain and France fought four wars: King William's War, Queen Anne's War, King George's War, and the French and Indian War.
General Lee before the Battle of Gettysburg could have something like:
"One more battle and we'll take Washington. This will end this war and guarantee our freedom."
"One more battle to humiliate the Yankee forces. This will be easy."
General Lee after the Battle of Gettysburg could have said something like:
"That did not go as planned. If only I had had Stonewall Jackson with me."
"How did it all go wrong? We were supposed to win."
"We must regroup quickly so they do not take advantage of our situation."
<u>Answer:</u> Hobbes believed people exchange their <u>personal liberty</u> for protection and security under a government.
Thomas Hobbes published a famous work called <em>Leviathan</em> in 1651. The title "Leviathan" comes from a biblical word for a great and mighty beast. Hobbes believed government is formed by people for the sake of their personal security and stability in society. In Hobbes view, once the people put a king (or other leader in power), then that leader needs to have supreme power (like a great and mighty beast). Hobbes' view of the natural state of human beings without a government held that people are too divided and too volatile as individuals -- everyone looking out for his own interests. So for security and stability, authority and the power of the law needs to be in the hands of a powerful ruler like a king or queen. And so people willingly enter a "social contract" in which they live under a government that provides stability and security for society.
Probably the most famous set of lines from Hobbes' <em>Leviathan </em>book describes what he saw as the natural state of human affairs without government -- one in which every individual had freedom, but that meant it was a situation of "war of all against all," or we might say, every man for himself. Hobbes wrote:
- <em>In such condition, there is no place for industry; because the fruit thereof is uncertain: and consequently no culture of the earth; no navigation, nor use of the commodities that may be imported by sea; no commodious building; no instruments of moving, and removing, such things as require much force; no knowledge of the face of the earth; no account of time; no arts; no letters; no society; and which is </em><em>worst of all, continual fear, and danger of violent death; and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.</em>
Located on China's southeast coast, Quanzhou was a primary destination for Arab, Persian, Indian, and Southeast Asian ships carrying merchants eager to buy China's famed porcelain and silk. Because of its extensive internal economy and technological advances, China exported more than it imported.
Generally speaking, the Industrial Revolution inspired a "heightened" interest in Africa by European nations, since they looked to Africa to acquire most of their natural resources.