well Cheetahs are the fastest land animals, reaching speeds of up to 75mph. The fastest animal on land is the cheetah.
I think he meant he had absolute power because he has the power over all the state
Answer 1: The Immigration Act of 1924 was made: it limited the overall number of immigrants and established quotas based on nationality. Among other things, the act sharply reduced immigrants from Eastern Europe and Africa.
Answer 2: John Scopes was arrested and prosecuted for his teaching on evolution, which was illegal in Tennessee, where he was teaching.
The Soviet Union was a socialist state where the state-owned significant means of production and property. In capitalist countries like the U.S., the property can be private and businesses can be individual. The soviet economy focused on equity of wealth and its balanced distribution among the people.
I think he uses a metaphor about africa being a cake and he wants a piece of it, like the rest of of the european powers