i sadly dont know what words are in the passage, so if this dosent help just comment the passege but here goes nothing ig...
look for descriptive words that describe whats around the setting such as smells colors or objects
Montresor tells all of his servants that they must stay in the house. He also tells him that he is going out and will not return until much later. Since the story takes place during a popular festival, the servants want to leave and join the partying. Montresor knows that if he tells the servants he won't be back for a while the servants will leave the house anyways. Since he is not there to make sure that they are doing what he's asked, the servants will go off and do whatever they want.
I don't really understand this question do they have more details to it??
There are many different ways poets can use visuals to affect the poem; these graphic elements include simple things like line length, word position, punctuation, and capitalization
Hi A. Is the answer you need to make this sentence grammatically correct.