Excerpted and Abridged from Solomon Northup's Twelve Years a Slave. ... With the evidence of freedom in my possession, the next day after our arrival in New-York, we ... Here we remained one night, continuing our journey towards Baltimore early ...the uncultivated environment after leaving a plantation or farm, this analysis also leads to a .... New York, and New Jersey had made slavery illegal in their states. ...... and I was careful to provide one for our Sunday dinner every week, so .Furthermore, the argument continued, Africans were inherently inferior and ... SEE PRIMARY SOURCE DOCUMENT Twelve Years a Slave by Solomon Northup ... David Cooper, a New Jersey Quaker, took up the antislavery cudgels and held ...... the next day after our arrival in New-York, we crossed the ferry to Jersey City, ...
Answer: To entertain
This passage has a funny and humorous tone. Alonzo is describing that pizza is a good breakfast in one entertaining way while his mother is shocked.
He is explaining this to her in one entertaining and also ironic way because he knows that it is not good for breakfast but he is trying to be entertaining.
He is describing what thing pizza has and that those things are the same whether you eat it combined or separately.
because if you write then down you can see them all in front of you and maybe it will.help u see more clearly.