The Molly Maguires were an Irish 19th-century secret society active in Ireland, Liverpool and parts of the Eastern United States, best known for their activism among Irish-American and Irish immigrant coal miners in Pennsylvania. After a series of often violent conflicts, twenty suspected members of the Molly Maguires were convicted of murder and other crimes and were executed by hanging in 1877 and 1878. This history remains part of local Pennsylvania lore and the actual facts much debated among historians.[1]
I believe this is the answer you are looking for.
George Washignton era el primer presidente de usa
The problem with that the plaintiff had who's name was Oliver Brown was that his 8 year old daughter couldn't get into school because she was colored. So he went to court to have segregation put to an end in the public schools.
Howard Gardner proposed in 1983 the Theory of Multiple intelligences which states that human intelligence can be broken down in categories (musical-rhythmic, visual-spatial, verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic., and each person may be brilliant or absolutely dumb at different ones. This view is opposed to that which sees intelligence as a general ability, and each human can get a greater or smaller degree of that capacity.
Therefore, at the moment of chosing a career path is important to be aware of the types of intillegences that we can possess, and not only to gather information about the requirements of the industry or about the job environment.
If you have a large dosis of visual-spatial intelligence you have a clear advantage over others if you choose to be an arquitect or an interior designer. For instance, on the area of musical-rhythmic intelligences, people may suceeds as singers, or instrument players.
Anyway, is important to hightlight that each person's intelligence should be a complex combination of all the categories stated above. You should go for your strenghts, but also make profitable use of the other skills you have.