The correct answer is: Induction, because this could be easily changed by changing the cell's environment.
Cell differentiation (process by which cell becomes specialized) can be under the influence of many factors:
• Cytoplasmic influence because cytoplasm can influence and control the behaviour of nuclear genes.
• Embryonic induction-changing the cell environment
For example: if cells from one region of the embryo are transplanted to some other region that transplant will most likely differentiate according to the chemical regulators of the surrounding cells.
• Proteins present in a cell influences its differentiation
• Cell-Cell interactions via cell-cell adhesion and signalling molecules.
In prokaryotes (organisms without a nuclear membrane), DNA undergoes replication and transcription and RNA undergoes translation in an undivided compartment. All three processes can occur simultaneously.
In eukaryotes (organisms with a nuclear membrane), DNA undergoes replication and transcription in the nucleus, and proteins are made in the cytoplasm. RNA must therefore travel across the nuclear membrane before it undergoes translation. This means that transcription and translation are physically separated. The primary transcript, heterogeneous nuclear RNA (hnRNA), undergoes extensive post-transcriptional processing to make a messenger RNA (mRNA)molecule that can pass through the nuclear membrane.
using whips on animals is not a desirable activity, as well as circus' being notorious for the mistreatment of animals, I think anybody who had these animals welfare in mind would disapprove of this scenario
Explanation: my Best guess with the contect given