bad thing: u compare your self to other people, bad mental health, etc
good thing: u may actually learn interesting stuff, keep up with friends plus family, know when major events may occur
Answer: she probably got hot in the original spot she slept in and wants to sleep somewhere that is not hot
Federalists believed that only a powerful government could safeguard liberty.
<span>Allusion means reference of letter c. Allusion is defined as a spontaneous reference
to a person, place or even an event. It
could also be used in the term alluding which mean the act of making a
reference to something. To use allusion
in a sentence can be as follows: The
technique he used in the tournament is an allusion to karate. It is best used
when you want to make references. It is
an alternative to the word reference.</span>
"slow and steady wins the race."