Attack on Titan
I can tell from the design on the back of hi jacket.
It wearies by the constant strain after effect, its mock-heroics and allusive periphrasis, and excites distrust by its want of moderation.
A short review of a book or anything.
A summary is a quick and shorter passage of something.
The numbers, for them, are a way to process and survive, feeling they have some kind of control over such a chaotic situation.
In "The Devil's Arithmetic" ( 1988), by Jane Yolen and published in 1988, Hannah Stern and the girls that she meets while imprisoned during the Holocaust, develop a theory about the numbers they had tattoed on them as a way to identify them, to give them meaning and eve premonitory influence on their lives. The Devil's Arithmeticrefers to the idea that each person who dies instead of them, means one more day that they get to be alive and not sent to the gas chamber. However, they develop more deep explanations. Rivka, for example, says;
"The 1 is for me because I am alone. The 8 is for my family because there were eight of us when we lived in our village. And the 2 because that is all that are left now, me and Wolfe, who believes himself to be a 0. But I love him no matter what he is forced to do. And when we are free and this is over, we will be 2 again."
Hello there here is the answer!:
<em>one of the instances are : What does it mean
<em>to silence another? It means I ruminate on the hit
<em>of rain against the tin roof of childhood, how I could listen
<em>all day until the water rusted its way in.</em>