The indirect object usually expressed the beneficiary of an action: for whom or for whose sake was the task performed. Here it's "her" - she is getting the flowers. The flowers are the direct object.
My school is the
<span> oldest in our town, and it is three stories high" is the sentence with the faulty coordination. The age of the school has nothing to do with the height of the school. </span>
Banquo is the father of future kings.
Macbeth was afraid if Banquo.
Macbeth kills Banquo because he sees Banquo as another threat to the throne. ... Even though Banquo is his close comrade, Macbeth is now on a single-minded mission to protect himself and his position, and he kills Banquo to maintain the throne.
Because chips can't fight,they can't even talk
Orwell’s use of an allegory to portray communism in Soviet Russia allows the reader to comprehend what happened in a simple way. It develops the themes power, deceit, dreams, foolishness, violence, and blind following by using animals in place of people. The pigs represent the leaders and the other farm animals represent the citizens of Russia at the time and how they dealt with the corrupt communist nation.
The theme of corruption is still relevant today because there is still corrupt governments around the world, for example, the North Korean dictatorship and communist China. The pigs began as equals who represented the people, and turned into cruel leaders and authority with no limit. Even in local governments, school systems, and work places it is necessary to spot corruption and unfairness. The theme of violence is relevant today in light of police brutality. Just like Boxer was set to be killed instead of retired, people today are murdered unfairly.