<span>1. The RGB value 0 is equal to "FF" in the HTML color code. </span><span>False The 0 value in RGB is expressed as "00" which was 15*0+0= 0. The "FF" value would be 15*16 + 16.
2. HTML color codes are made up of numbers 0-15. False HTML color codes are made up by hexadecimal which was number 0-9(10 number) and letter A-F(6 letters) which sum up to 16 combinations in total. The number A-F will be equal to 11-16 respectively. </span><span> 3. What color is defined by the bold numbers? #991F8C (99 is bold) a. red RGB stands for red green blue which was the order of the code of the color. The color code is made of 6 digits of number or letter with each code getting the 2 digits. From </span>#991F8C, 99 is the first two digits that represent the Red value.<span>
4. The color #2P0000 contains no amount of green or blue. True. In </span>#2P0000, the value of red would be "2P", the value of green would be "00" and the value of blue would be "00". The color-coded only have red color so it should be red. <span> 5. What color is defined by the bold numbers? #991f8c (8c is bold) c. blue </span>RGB stands for red green blue which was the order of the code of the color. The color code is made of 6 digits of number or letter with each code getting the 2 digits. From #991F8C, 8C is the last two digits that represent the Blue value. <span> 6. The color #450045 has equal amounts of red and blue. </span>In #450045, the value of red would be "45", the value of green would be "00" and the value of blue would be "45". The color should have the same amount of red and blue without green color<span>
7. Of which of the following is #323232 an example? c. HTML color code The code should be </span>HTML color code since it uses "#" symbol and then 6 digits of numbers. RGB color model would look like <span>(255, 0, 0) </span><span>It's a bit ambiguous though since the </span>HTML color code is using hexadecimal but HTML color code would be more specific.<span>
8. In the RGB color model, what do the numbers 0-255 represent? b. the intensities of each color beam The number should represent the intensity of each color. The higher the number, the higher the intensity would be.
9. The color #ff1700 contains no amount of green. False </span>In #ff1700, the value of red would be "ff", the value of green would be "17" and the value of blue would be "00". The color should have no amount of blue color since the value is "00". The color still have green value of "17"
<span>10. The color #5d5d45 has equal amounts of red and blue. False </span>In #5d5d45, the value of red would be "5d", the value of green would be "5d" and the value of blue would be "45". The color should have the same amount of red and green value, not red and blue.
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answer : we have to perform all transactions again
< checkpoint record >
< s, x , 5, 10 >
When a second system failure occurs while the first recovery is in progress the steps to be taken when the system recovers for the second time starts from the check point.
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