The containment strategy prevents intruders from removing
information assets from the network, and
prevents attackers from using the organization's network as a launch point
for subsequent attacks.
a "block" containment strategy, in which the attacker's path into the
environment is disrupted, you should use the most precise strategy
possible, starting with <span>blocking a specific IP address. Correct answer: C
#This is a way without a loop
friends = list(map(str,input("Enter Names: ").split()))
#This is a way with a loop (for&&while)
friends = list(map(str,input("Enter Names: ").split()))
cool = True
while cool:
cool = False
for i in range(len(friends)-1):
if friends[i] > friends[i+1]:
coo = friends[i]
friends[i] = friends[i+1]
friends[i+1] = coo
cool = True
What is that I never heard of that before
Either wiped off the drive, or right next to the new ones, I do not recommend keeping the old files.