According to Joseph' Campbell's monomyth, the 12 stages of the hero's journey are:
1: Ordinary world
2: Call to advendure
3: Refusal
4: Meeting with the mentor
5: Crossing the threshold
6: Tests, Allies, Enemies
7: Approach to Inmost Cave
8: Ordeal
9: Reward (seizing the sword)
10: The road back
11: Resurrection
12: Return with Elixir
In New Amsterdam slaves had some opportunity to make money and could buy half their freedom. I believe so
This lady is the nurse who lives near the super market.
Diction is the language a writer chooses to express an idea. The choice of words in a literary work is said to be diction. ... writers use the words to convey action, exhibit character, mention attitudes, recognize themes and intimate values.
I don't know because I haven't read the book or passage