There are a lot of pros for different kinds of energy but nothing is perfect.
More than 1 million atoms lined up side by side would equal the thickness of a book page. The modern atomic theory was proposed in 1803 by English chemist John Dalton. His premise is based on the fact that all elements are composed of atoms. An atom is defined as the smallest part of an element. It also keeps the identity of the element. Individual atoms are very small. Most elements in their pure form exist as individual atoms. Some elements are made up of groups of atoms.
The answer is c. hope that helped
The cognitive abilities of an individual to learn from experience, to reason well, and to cope effectively with the demands of daily living
Intelligence is something that can actually be measured, even though it is not a physical, but a psychological trait. The humans had wanted to be able to measure their intelligence for quite some time, but that only became possible with the development of the modern psychology and the test specially created for this purpose. The intelligence represents the cognitive abilities of an individual to learn from experiences, how well can it reason, as well as to cope effectively with the demands of the daily living. To put it more simple, it is the ability of an individual to acquire and apply skills and knowledge in its life.