Hi, pooop! i really like your username
In programming we should use camelcase whichLooksLikeThis because the capital letters are kind of like the back of a camel
so perhaps make the variable name:
it looks like your question has multiple choice answers.. but i cant see them... so i just made up my own answer...
a. facilitate improvements but do not necessarily cause them.
Decision Support Systems are interactive Information systems that assist decision makers in coming up with strategies that help the organisation achieve its goals .The model base of the DSS uses mathematical and statistical models to analyse information then it generates reports and suggest possible solutions that can be implemented .The system is capable of giving a specific solution and some even allow the decision makers to give input before suggesting the most applicable solution.The effectiveness of a DSS is equally as important as its efficiency .The DSS unlike the conventional decision-making process should be able to analyse information effectively and come up with solutions in the shortest possible time frame.
Psychodynamic theories are usually too vague to allow a
clear scientific test. Modest support for central psychodynamic hypotheses has
been provided by Empirical studies. Critics have in the past disputed very many
aspects of psychoanalysis including whether it is indeed a science or not.
However much this is so, psychoanalysis is a great idea in personality that
should never be overlooked.
Answer: or element_id Specifies the relationship between the result of the calculation, and the elements used in the calculation
form form_id Specifies which form the output element belongs to
name name Specifies a name for the output element