3) A Single linked list is a sequence of elements in which every element has link to its next element in the sequence.
DATA stores actual value , LINK stores address of next node
As per information given in question, letters at the even addresses are items in linked list and the odd addresses will be used as links.
Even Address Odd Address
12 (Stores 't') 13 (Used as link)
14 (Stores 'm') 15 (Used as link)
16 (Stores 'a') 17 (Used as link)
18 (Stores 'r') 19 (Used as link)
20 (Stores 's') 21 (Used as link)
Numbers represented by circle are addresses of respective nodes. Here Front or Head has address 16. Which represents the Head Node.
Following image represents the word "smart" with respective nodes and their addressing.
Numbers represented by circle are addresses of respective nodes.
The head pointer is: 20
1. Less picture less distraction, but where to put pictures ? At the start of your presentation just to initially get the attention of the audience.
2. Use bullets for texts, never use paragraphs. Use short text or even words only which captures the subject of the presentation.
3. In conjunction with point 1. Use less animations as well. Especially for formal presentations
Additionally : Make sure to know your audience, for professionals, make the presentations short and precise. For much informal audiences you can be playful but always keep in mind not to overshadow the attention from the speaker.
Answer & Explanation:
//written in java
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//String stored in a variable named phrase
String phrase = "Brainly";
//Checking whether the first character is in upper case or not
if (Character.isUpperCase(phrase.charAt(0)))
System.out.println("not capital");