Some political scientists need a background in marine science so they can understand marine life and can make policies in an attempt to regulate human behavior to protect the ocean and ocean life. Marine scientists must be able to understand the diverse life in the ocean
The remains are called fossils. Fossils are remnants of animals, plants, or microorganisms that have been solidified in the process of fossilization, where the organism is surrounded by sediment, minerals, and other solid objects which are compressed and heated around the organism over time. This forms a solid mass with the preserved organism inside, other known as a fossil.
all of the above
Epigenetic alterations are modifications of the genome transmitted during cell division, which do not involve changes in the DNA sequence, are hereditary and are capable of modifying gene expression. In addition, they are temporary modifications that allow DNA to be transcribed and have the ability to move histones to open or close a chromosomal region. There are three main mechanisms of epigenetic alterations: DNA methylation, histone modifications and genomic imprinting.