It will remain relatively stable
<u>The carrying capacity (k) of an environment is a factor that represents the maximum number of organisms of a particular species such environment can support based on the resources it has. </u>
<em>Below the carrying capacity</em>, the population of a species still has the potential to increase due to resource availability, and <em>above the carrying capacity</em>, the population has the potential to reduce due to the overstretching of the available resources. Factors that keep the population from expanding significantly beyond the carrying capacity include competition for resources, natural disasters, disease outbreaks, etc.
<em>Hence, if a population is steady at its carrying capacity and a group of organisms from that species moves into the same space occupied by the original population, the carrying capacity will only increase temporarily before factors such as competition and natural disasters operate to bring the carrying capacity to the normal level. </em>
Answer - Haploid
Reasoning - During Cell Reproduction Stage it has to go through a faze of splitting and then forming a new individual.
FnUvCvK is a bad word.It is so popular because they using it to tease someone
Some example of bad word:
What the FnUvCvK
D.a.m.n it
What the h.e.l.l
FnUvCvK you
all of this is a bad words
Hope it helps;)
Noble Gases.
The reason why I say this is due to them having eight valence electrons, their outer energy levels are full.