No the water cycle dose not stop. the water cycle needs to keep going if it was to stop there would be no rain. the water evaporates and once it gets into the clouds it drops right, well if that was to stop there would be no rain the plants would be all dry.
Apex also it is the main one that actually is reasonable, and its correct on apex.
The definition of an observation is the act of noticing something or a judgment or inference from something seen or experienced.
I think this is awkwardly written, but it *IS* a complex/compound sentence:
As a French woman, she owned her own clothing store, and the clothing store sold a lot of socks.
It can be written more eloquently as a complex sentence:
As the proprietor of a clothing store, the French woman sold a lot of socks.
Because of the high number of butterfly cases, Harry had to attend school from home using Google Meets, so he was very bored.
I’m pretty sure A if not then I’m dumb star:).