Variables provide reference to the stored data value.
For example:
int i = 0;
Here i is a variable of type int with an initial value of 0. i is a reference to this stored value 0. Now if I want to update the data, I can do so using this reference.
i = 1;
Now the reference is used to manipulate the stored data and change it to 1. In a similar manner all updates to the value can be done using the variable reference.
This program will the string array in the given format.
int main(void){
char arr[6];
int counter;
strcpy(arr[], "ARRAY");
for(counter=0; counter<6; counter++){
printf("%c", arr[counter]);
return 0;
Note: Do not forget to include all the necessary library that is needed to run this program.
import regex as re
def in_parentheses(a_string):
regeX = re.compile(".*?\((.*?)\)")
result = re.findall(regeX, a_string)
return str(result).replace("[","").replace("]","")
print("test 1: "+in_parentheses("Open ( only"))
print("test 2: "+in_parentheses("This is a sentence (words!)."))