A license plate is the board behind and in front of your car that has letters and numbers on it.
I believe through reading these questions that the best answer would be D.
I believe that D is the answer since Hank is a computer forensics specialist that his first task would be to analyze any physical or digital computer components that could be involved in that crime scene.
There is
Self confidence is the believe in oneself that the person can do what he/she believes they cannot do
Self esteem is the motivation of oneself to do something
Self esteem leads to Self confidence in the sense that if you do not motivate yourself you will not believe in yourself.
Answer: Check explanation.
Great!, Before delving into the solution to the question let us define JURISDICTION. Jurisdiction is the power to make judgement. However, there there are boundaries to jurisdiction in courts. So, let us answer the question.
(a). Pat wants to sue his next-door neighbor Dorothy, claiming that Dorothy promised to sell him the house next door: since both party, that is , Pat and Dorothy are not representing any federal body, there case should be in the STATE COURT.
(b). Paula should bring the case to the STATE COURT IN DALLAS.
(c). Since the land is in Ohio, Phil should file a lawsuit in Ohio court .
(d). This is a federal case and Pete should file his case under federal jurisdiction.