Science fiction – a genre of fiction dealing with the impact of imagined innovations in science or technology, often in a futuristic setting. or depicting space exploration. Exploring the consequences of such innovations is the traditional purpose of science fiction, making it a "literature of ideas".
Judy has been showing playing with the feeling and emotions of Dexter. She has been shown as a cruel character.
The story winter dreams is about the character whose name is Dexter who has a dream of becoming rich and having a good social life. Dexter wanted to enjoy a good lifestyle.
In the end of the story, this dream does come true but all the innocence of Dexter, the boy that he used to be during the time of his child hood and when he was small was all lost and when Dexter realized this he got very sad and cried also.
It was Parliament of Fouls.
I'm sure of it.
In "the fun they had . " tommy finds a book. The book's pages are yellow and crinkly because it was an old book which excited nearly a 100 years ago when the books were printed in spite of being saved and shown in the television screen that tommy and Margie had.
The correct answer is phrase. A phrase is a group of words that work together to express an idea and can function as a noun, adjective, verb, or adverb.