Answer:Toothed whales do not make the long, low-frequency sounds known as the whale song. Instead they produce rapid bursts of high-frequency clicks and whistles. Single clicks are generally used for echolocation whereas collections of clicks and whistles are used for communication.
Answer: NADPH and ATP
The mechanism of photosynthesis can be divided into two phases, light reaction, and carbon fixation. During the light reaction, photosynthetic pigments absorb radiant energy and undergo a series of photochemical reactions and convert the trapped energy into chemical energy which is stored in the form of NADPH and ATP. These two compounds constitute the assimilatory power. Light reaction is light dependent and it takes place in the grana of the chloroplast.
The two groups differ in the composition of the cell wall and the lipids in the cell membrane. 3. ... Organelles contribute to efficiency in eukaryotic cells because they concentrate the biochemicals needed for chemical reactions so that the reactions proceed more rapidly.