Instead of chasing after their prey, homo sapiens developed spears out of flint and rock to kill their prey. The discovery of fire also helped these homo sapiens cook their food, which helped them to avoid sickness as a result of food poisoning.
Explonatian: (001f0n7.0r9
The U.S. and the Soviet Union were in a space race to develop technology to land on the moon 1st. By the time, that John Kennedy declared his plans, in the early 1960’s, to put a man on the moon by the end of the decade; the US was far behind the USSR in space technology. But from a historical perspective, John Kennedy was completely uninterested in space. His reasoning was that the US “had” to strike the USSR to the moon. As the people of the US became responsive that the USSR was out pacing them in technology, which they’d quite well believed that the US was greater in up until that point, sustain for a fully funded space program began to grow quickly. This permitted the support required for the Kennedy and Johnson administrations to virtually give NASA a clean check to fund the space program. Thus making U.S. landed Louis Armstrong on the moon 1st a day earlier.
Federal budget is dependent on many factors one of which is the priority of the state. When there is a need to increase the level of defense, the budget for defense must be increased. This increase in budget translates to a decrease in budget in another area. If the budget for transportation can be reduced and still be able to implement the planned projects, then the budget for transportation will be reduced.
D. Basic rights that belong to all people and cannot be taken away.