1. Horizon narrowed and widened, and Dipped and rose. And at all times, its edge was jagged with waves to represent thrust up in points like rocks.
2. These waves were most wrongfully and barbarously abrupt and tall, and each froth-top was a problem in small-boat navigation.
Answer: A group of activists sabotaged the Glen Canyon dam.
Did you forget to say that this question is about "Dust" by Charles Grayson
We can infer that Edwin is a generous character who is concerned with the welfare and safety of all members of his family. We can see this in the moments when he helps his siblings get home during a sandstorm, helps his mother and is concerned about his parents' argument and his father's need to work away from home.
In "Dust" we are presented the family of Edwin, who is a humble family with few opportunities and who does not have a good economic condition, being necessary that the father of Edwin has to work away from home, while his mother is alone with the children. children. In the narrative we can see that Edwin is a very generous boy, as he knows that the situation of his family is not easy, he helps as he can, taking care of his brothers and helping his mother with the housework. He is very worried about yours and feels bad when his parents fight
Scientific discoveries allow several problems that threatened and even hindered our lives to be solved. This can be seen by the development of disease treatment, better forms of mobility, better forms of communication, greater access to entertainment, among other technologies that we can say that make our lives easy, increase our quality of life and allow maintenance of our life is more efficient.
However, scientific advancement promotes the strong exploitation of natural resources, which causes degradation of those resources that are essential for our existence. With degeneration increasingly efficient, we do not know what our lives will be like in the future, but we know it will be insecure because we cannot fight against the force of environmental imbalance.