Your answer is 3 shapes. They are cocci,bacilli and spirilla.
Organisms that have many characteristics in common are grouped into a ’species’ - hope this helped :)
the condensation of water vapor as it touches a colder surface.
By increasing blood glucose, fatty acid, and amino acid levels
Cortisol, corticosterone, and cortisone are the glucocorticoids released by the adrenal cortex and serve to impart resistance to stress. These hormones stimulate protein breakdown (mainly in muscle cells), gluconeogenesis and lipolysis and thereby increase the concentration of amino acids, glucose and fatty acids in blood.
The amino acids are used by cells for synthesis of new proteins or for synthesis of ATP. Glucose is also used by cells to produce ATPs.
Glucocorticorticoids increase the sensitivity of blood vessels for hormones which in turn stimulate their constriction. The vasoconstriction raises blood pressure. The process of vasoconstriction resumes the normal range of blood pressure which is otherwise dropped by some emergency conditions such as injury and severe loss of blood.
Plants with just one cotyledon are said to be monocotyledons. They also include floral segments that are multiples of three. This implies that their blooms may be made up of sepals instead of petals, or they may have three, six, or nine petals. Additionally, they have accidental roots. These are roots that may sprout from nearly any portion of the plant that comes into touch with the soil, such as the stem.
For instance, garlic plants, spiderwort, etc.