I can't give the exact answer as the base pay and weekly hours arn't stated but here's how to solve letters in parentheses are place holders just plug in the numbers accordingly :)
Step-by-step explanation:
figures needed, base pay (p) total hours worked (t) half
p÷2= the ½ in time and a half (x)
p+x= 1 hr Saturday pay (s)
s+2= r (to cover the 30m)
7:00am to 11:30am 4hr 30m
12:00pm to 4:00pm 4hr
add them
8hr 30m
(s×8)+r= how much you were paid on Saturday
p×2= h dubble pay
Calculate how many hrs worked on Sunday and apply the same logic as for Saturday appropriately divide the time if it doesn't come out as an even hour.
Add Saturday and Sunday pay together to get weekend pay.
Same formula hours worked times hourly pay.
Add the weekday and weekend pay together and thats pt B.
Hope this helps!