That is true because Java was considered a rapid development programming language
The command is Export-NpsConfiguration
An admin can export the entire NPS configuration from one NPS for import to another NPS. Standard precautions should be taken when exporting NPS configurations over the network. The command syntax that can be used for exporting the NPS configurations is Export-NpsConfiguration –Path <filename>
It defines five ICMPv6 packet types for router solicitation,router advertisement,neighbor solicitation,neighbor advertisement,and network redirects.
for loop is used to repeat the process again and again until the condition not failed.
for(initialize; condition; increment/decrement)
But we can omit the initialize or condition or increment/decrement as well
the syntax after omit the initialization,
for( ; condition; increment/decrement)
The above for loop is valid, it has no error.
Note: don't remove the semicolon.
You can omit the condition and increment/decrement.
and place the semicolon as it is. If you remove the semicolon, then the compiler show syntax error.
list = {10, 18, 24, 75, 70, 20, 60, 35}
Selection is a sorting algorithm that will set a cursor position and search for a minimum number from the list. When the minimum number is found, that minimum number will be swapped with the number in the cursor position. Only one number will be swapped and sorted in one iteration of outer loop. To sort the next number in the following outer loop iteration, the cursor will be moved to the next position and repeat the same search and swapping process as in the first iteration. When finishing all the iterations of outer loop, all numbers shall be sorted in ascending order.