Answer: True
Virtual memory is the secondary storage memory and this type of memory are addressed as main part of the memory.
When the virtual memory copying in the physical memory then, at that time the operating system divide the memory into the file page with the address and definite size number. Then, the each page are store in a disk.
When this page are required then, the operating system copy from disk to main memory and then, the virtual address are converted into the real address.
it would be the first one because it's the header and that's what applies
input process and output hehe
Semaphores carries the signal between the task and interrupts that does not carry any type of additional data in the embedded system. A semaphore is used as synchronization object and helps in maintain the value between zero and the specific higher value.
It basically reduced the value each time and complete the semaphore object in the embedded system. Binary semaphores is the main type of semaphore that invoke activation of the task.
While programming in most programming languages, one will have need to use functions and variables defined in other class libraries. in C++, these functions and variables' definitions are contained in Header files, which can be imported and used into any C++ program by using the pre-processor #include statement. This statement is the equivalent of import in java and copy in other languages. Popular header files are the Maths class (Allows use of maths functions like power, square roots exponentiation etc), the input/output (allows usage of cout print statement and cin input statement)