manage one's time.
read a little by a little every day.
get regular exercise.
sleep early and rise and shine!
Do you mean his sister?
she is demanding and mean.
he bosses him around.
her dolls are scary.
It is necessary because if you don't have a confirmed opinion with textual evidence to back it up you wont have a good argument.
This relates to today's world where fear tactics are used in many countries and eventually, will be overthrown(change as you wish)
it was closed and dry and dusty in the house of the gods i have said to the magic was gone but that is not true it had gone from the magic things but it had not gone from the place i feel the spirit from both me weighing up on me and nor had i ever slept in the dead place before and yet tonight i'm asleep there when i thought we just don't uncle cry in the throat and fight in wish no acknowledge almost i have card always you mean it