1. Necro- c. Death.
2. Therm- a. Heat.
3. Arachn- e. Spider.
4. Claustr- d. Small space.
5. Soph- b. Wisdom.
1. "Necro" means anything related to death or dying or even dead bodies or corpses. The fear of death of anything death-related is known as necrophobia.
2. The word "therm" is usually related to the term "heat". It is also the unit of heat which makes the fear of heat to be thermophobia.
3. "Arach" is a term relating to the spider family. Thus, the fear of spiders is arachnophobia.
4. "Claust" refers to any small, congested space. Claustrophobia is the fear or small space or an enclosed congested space.
5. Soph is a word related to wisdom or knowledge. Thus, sophobia means to have a huge fear of learning of knowledge or wisdom.
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Under the Uniform Commercial Code, a contract to sell or lease personal property is simply a transfer of the rights to use and possession of goods for a term that can be considered by both parties. As long as the parties involved in the contract manifests an intent, but cannot identify the exact time or moment that they formed a contract, a contract to sell or lease is still recognized.
National goals are more important than individual needs.
A fascist state is led by a strong leader, such as a dictator and a martial government made up of the members of the governing fascist party to forge national unity and maintain a stable and orderly society.