(x2) 741 OpAmps (Radioshack Catalog #: 276-007)
(x1) 9V Relay (Radioshack Catalog #: 275-005)
(xvar) jumper wires (Radioshack Catalog #: 276-102)
(x2) Heavy duty 9V battery clips (Radioshack Catalog #: 270-324)
(x2) 9V batteries (Radioshack Catalog #: 23-866)
(x1) Prototyping PCB (Radioshack Catalog #: 276-170)
(x1) Piezo Buzzer (Radioshack Catalog #: 273-080)
(x1) 5K Ohm Potentiometer (Radioshack Catalog #: 271-1714)
(x1) Potentiometer cap (Radioshack Catalog #: 274-415)
(x1) 470 Ohm Resistor (Radioshack Catalog #: 271-1317)
(x1) 3" diameter acrylic tube
(x1) Magnet (Radioshack Catalog #: 64-1888)
(xvar) lamp-pull ball-chain
Soldering Iron
Wire Snips
Hot Glue Gun
I used a laser cutter to make my own personal enclosure, but one could easily modify a pre-made project enclosure to suit the needs of this project.
The irregular coastline has many natural harbors.
I pretty sure it's isthmus