Letters of peter, 2 New Testament writings attributed to the foremost of Jesus 12 apostles
All the peasants in the Middle Ages surrounded the manor. A manor is an area of land that was owned by the feudal lord. The lords either lived in manor houses or castles. Other than the village, there were forest/woods that were used for hunting, fields, owned by lords, used for crops, a church, grain mills and a barn.
Tell the situation to the person involved in the schedule before taking care of your personal emergency.
When making a schedule with other people, informing others in case we are suddenly unable to fill the schedule is considered as a social norm in almost all society.
If you decided to take care of your personal emergency without informing them, they will most likely become offended and you will damage the social relationship that you have with them.
Kush was influenced greatly by Egypt: clothing, temples, calling their rulers pharaohs and burying them in pyramids. * *Kush had many elements of their culture that were unique such as their houses, and written language.