I know it’s prokaryotic if the helps I’m sorry
Placebo, Is used to describe a substance given in clinical trial that does not contain the drug.
- Clinical trials are done to evaluate the effectiveness of a drug in treating a particular medical symptom or disease.
- In such case a placebo is used as a control in the experiment.
- A placebo contains all the components as the medicine except for the drug that is being tested.
- A placebo is given to one group of patients having the symptoms for which the drug is tested while another group of patients with same symptoms are given the drug.
- If the group that was given the drug show symptoms of cure while the group that was given placebo does not show changes. Then the drug is said to be effective.
Answer: I don't know .....
Mountain chains match up where South America collided with Australia to form Pangaea.
Option C, 12, 6
The number of chromosome and DNA molecule are interpreted through the number of functional centromere and chromatids respectively at each phase of the cell division.
However, the DNA number only changes in the S phase of the cell division as replication occurs in this phase only.
Hence, after meiosis I two daughter cells will be formed with half the chromosome number i.e 3 and number of DNA is equal to 12.
Now, till metaphase II no change occurs. Now at anaphase II DNA remains same while the chromosome number increases to 6
Thus, the correct answer is option C