The answer to your question has to be B
It is the "Looking-Glass Self", a term coined by Charles Cooley that explains the importance of our perceptions of how other people perceive us. According to his theory, we cannot form a personal identity without interacting with others. The Looking Glass Self is simply the interactive process of seeing ourselves based on how other view us.
Lexi stop farting on them bit-ch-es!
The king held the highest position in society and priests, warriors, and merchants were also part of the upper class. The Maya believed their rulers were related to gods. Rulers were involved in religious ceremonies, led battles, had beautiful clothing/jewelry, and Kings wore huge feather headdresses and capes of cotton, jaguar skins, and feathers. Priests led religious ceremonies and were the most educated. Warriors fought battles with animal headdresses, jade jewels, and jaguar skin capes on their red and black painted bodies. Merchants directed trade among the cities and organized the transportation and distribution of goods. Together the members of the upper class controlled the politics, religion, and ceremony.
Answer: Citizenship in ancient Rome (Latin: civitas) was a privileged political and legal status afforded to free individuals with respect to laws, property, and governance. Roman women had a limited form of citizenship. They were not allowed to vote or stand for civil or public office.