B. an allele frequency changes in a population.
Eukaryotes that are not fungi, animals, or plants are called protists
Protists can be described as eukaryotes that are not grouped as fungi, animals or plants. These groups of organisms are so wide that there are lots of organisms that fall under this category.
Protists are tiny group of organisms that can only be seen/viewed with the aid of a strong microscope. Protists only have one type of cell and lots of these organisms are found in an aquatic environment.
Please see the link below for more information
during meiosis in sex cells or gametes
Males and females have different sex chromosomes.
Sex Linked trait is controlled by the chromosomes while other traits are controlled by autosomes. The autosomal cells and traits have a constant characteristics in a human being. The chromosomal cells however vary. The male chromosome XY is different from the female chromosome XX.
This is the reason why sex-linked traits follow different patterns of inheratance than other traits as a result of the Males and females having different sex chromosomes is valid.