Monitoring and oversight has a great importance in our daily life.
Monitoring is the technique which is used for maintaining the security of an area by the armed forces through a number of devices. it has great importance because without monitoring, the security of an area is at danger while oversight is an act in which a person is unable to see or missed something unintentionally. Some things are missed by the person by mistake which leads error in data collection.
The eggs of a frog hatch into tadpoles, which look like little fish. After a few days, tadpoles develop legs and arms and grow into young frogs with tails. In the next few days, they grow into an adult frog with no tail. The process of growing from a tadpole to an adult frog is called metamorphosis
The plant belongs to the group Angiosperm. Vascular plants with seeds could be cycads, Gingko, conifers, or angiosperms. Among those groups, only angiosperms have flowers.
The plant they found have colored, scented flowers which suggests that it could be pollinated by insects or birds. Colored flowers attract birds and insects. Color serves as a guiding mark. Talking of scent, it does not attract bird, but attracts insects. It also serves as the guiding mark.
plasma membrane, ribosomes...
Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells have structures in common. All cells have a plasma membrane, ribosomes, cytoplasm and DNA... The cytoplasm is all the contents of the cell inside the cell membrane, not including the nucleus.