Los virus son más pequeños y no son células. A diferencia de las bacterias, necesitan un huésped como un humano o un animal para multiplicarse.
Las bacterias son organismos vivos unicelulares. Tienen una pared celular y todos los componentes necesarios para sobrevivir y reproducirse.
Los virus no se consideran "vivos" porque requieren una célula huésped para sobrevivir a largo plazo, para obtener energía y para reproducirse.
I believe that the basic unit of structure and function in protists and monerans is the cell. This is because cells are basic unit of structure and function of all living things. A cell is the smallest unit of life, it is the basic membrane-bound unit that contains the fundamental molecules of life and of which all living things are composed.
Cellular respiration; complementary reaction to photosynthesis, because it's the reaction that cells use to break down glucose molecules and release atp.
Answer: Dr. Balduzzi says it's important to remember that sweat is your body's main evaporative cooling system -- kind of like an internal fan. If you're exercising in cold air, your body doesn't need to produce as much sweat to keep you cool.
By the process of cellular differentiation which consists of physical and functional changes of the cell used by processes at the genetic level. The expression of these in each type of cell is different. That is to say that the type of cell follows at a time of development there is differential activation of some genes and repression of others