Hey there!
Some situations you'd need to provide your SSN include when applying for insurance through an insurance company, when applying for a loan or a credit card (or any other company that you're sending a credit application to), banks, investment advisors, and cash transactions over $10,000, such as when buying a car. Also, if you are going to college with financial aid, colleges will collect your SSN. If any other business requests your SSN, they are legally allowed to, however, it's optional. It's also optional when applying for a job at a company, but might affect your chances at getting the job depending on the employer who may want to get credit statistics on their potential employees.
Hope this helped you out! :-)
You don't need a birth certificate
License boot module c2900, technology-package uck9
I think that you might have used it a lot or its just a glitch and will come back after some time.
It might be that your screen cracked.
But try re-booting if that does not work, wait and take off the battery.
Data can be put into more than one cell (Excel), which should be an important key to your answer. In SEVERAL CELLS AT THE SAME TIME or more. The data can be entered in dates, text, times, or numbers. Formatting the data can be done in a possibility of ways.