Try the Cesar cypher
The Cesar cypher shifts the letters one side
This really doesn't have anything to do with computers but if you upload a picture i can help.
Format is the overall layout of a document or spreadsheet. For example, the formatting of text on many English documents is aligned to the left of a page. With respect to text, a user could change its format to bold to help emphasize text. In a spreadsheet, a user may change the format of a cell to be a different number format
|ndeed, in web design it is a standard procedure for the script of HTML (Hyper-Text Markup Language) pages to check the value of the <u>$_GET['page']</u> array if the get method is used to determine which page to display, assuming the name being passed is ‘page’.
For example, if someone clicks the 'begin registration' link on a web page, in this case, if the 'get method' is used to determine which page to display, assuming the name being passed is ‘page’ then the Web page template will check the value of the $_GET['page'] array in to determine which page to display (such as the registration form).