<u>B. Tip the bowl slightly, then spoon up the last bit</u>
Generally speaking none of the other answers made much of sense.. "tip the bowl from side to side" doesn't help you at all, neither does "Keep spooning as much as you can, then stop eating". Neither of these will help you spoon up the last little bit, <u>the most logical answer is B. "Tip the bowl slightly, then spoon up the last bit"</u>. If this is not the correct answer then it'd be D, but I don't believe/feel that it's "poor etiquette" to "leave the last little bit".
"The employee pay rate is normal" is the correct answer for the above question.
- The above question code is written in the c++ language, in which there is one variable of bool type whose value is true.
- And this variable is also tested in the if-condition which gives the true and the if-body will be executed.
- Then the internal if-condition will give the false result because the value of the empsalary is not less than 45000. It is because the above statement "empsalary=45000" will assign the value 45000 on the empsalary variable.
- Then the else block will be executed which prints "the employee pay rate is normal".
An error will be occurred here. In C++ a function must be like
returntype function_name(){
but the functions in given class does not have returntype given. So there will be a syntax error.
If the returntype is defined then the code does not show any output since nothing is printed in the main function.
i. This value was not accepted because we have 12 months and not 13.
ii. This is because the user entered the value for the day as value for the month.
i. Why was this not accepted?
This value was not accepted because we have 12 months and not 13. The user entered a value that was above the maximum value registered for the number of months in a year- which is 12.
ii. Why do you think this error occurred
This is because the user entered the value for the day as value for the month.
This could be because the user uses a date system different from that of the program.