area 3 that's how we got ohio
have a good day
No, of course it is a great thing to do for your country and a wonderful sacrifice but you still have a family and you can still be a true citizen by making other sacrifices to your country and playing other rolls. there are tons of things that our country needs and other sacrifices you can make that fit you better. becoming a soldier is not for every one and it has got to be in your heart to do it you have to have to want to gain the skills and want to do it well. although I am not discouraging any one to it I'm just saying you need to have the heart to play that roll in your country. so no it I would not think that.
The people in the Middle Ages were still highly connected to the church. Priests, and clergy ruled during that time, & what the church said was almost interpreted as law. In the Renaissance they took a step away from church, especially after the bubonic plague and started focusing more on humanism.
Midwives cared doe pregnant women is the answer
I think it was b they did a lot of stuff