Harlem Renaissance brought about an identification between the art content of black artists and the African-American population, which recognized itself and encouraged an appreciation of its cultural elements.
Harlem Renaissance opened up a great space for black artists to express themselves deeply. This allowed them to speak of their origins and struggles as an African American. This promoted an identification between the black population and the works that black artists presented, as they all had common origins and struggles. This sense of unity and community generated a great wave of determination and pride in the black population, who identified themselves as African American citizens and stimulated strong political activism for the pursuit of rights and respect within society.
I'm not sure about number 1. Maybe: It was the happiest event.
2. The judge cautiously handed down her decision.
3. Mr. Majors was pressed hard to find an answer.
what's the argument supposed to be about
1. Obliterate
2. Old
3. Cleft
4. Decadent
5. Tear
6. Clamorous
1. To annihilate is to destroy something, kill completely. To Annihilate is to get rid of something completely. For example: genocide has the purpose to annihilate (get rid of) human beings who are different, belong to a certain religion or sect. It came from the Late Latin word: "annihilatus" meaning "reduced to nothing", While obliterate means to in Latin to: "struck out", meaning "Trying something with multiple attempt but fail". Anihialate is the action of destroying completely, while obliterate is the action to attempt in annihilation, but, failing multiple times. [Have to try till you get rid of]
2. Antiquity is the past, usually referring before the Middle Ages. While old is something in particular that has aged, has much age.
3. Fissure is an opening on the Earth, it can happen during earthquakes or volcano eruptions. A crack. While cleft is when something is partially divided in two.
4. Dissolution is to have lack of morals referring in a religious manner or society. For example: Having a child before being married is something of great shame in the religious community, in society its normal. Even so, people who are not religious can also have these morals and look bad upon children who are a "bas-ta-rd", a child that was produced out of wed-lock. While decadent is someone who shows a decline in morals, the person is aware of the morals but they themselves "choose" to decline the moral and cultural norms and rules. For example: The U.S prohibits marriage of two or more people. Those who do it disobey the law.
5. Rending is to tear something into two or more pieces. Rending is not done in force, you can tear a piece of paper calmly. To tear is to rip something with force, for example: "He tore with his teeth the flesh upon her skin into two pieces".
6. Tumultuous is to make a loud and confusing noise while clamorous is a racket, its a noise made to be heard or to cause confusion. In Latin it means to "cry out".
D) is basically exploring and pertaining this in your head this includes having the movement of how you see this.