Alliteration = B; The repetition of beginning sounds in two or more neighboring words.
Idiom = C; An expression that cannot be understood from the meanings of its separate words but must be learned as a whole.
Meiosis = A; A statement that downplays or understates the importance of something.
√ The children CAN run fast
× The children CAN'T run fast
? CAN the children run fast?
√ Ted CAN buy this house
× Ted CAN'T buy this house
? CAN Ted buy this house?
√ Little Marshal CAN read story book
× Little Marshal CAN'T read story book
? CAN little Marshal read story book
× cook
2. Can Alan cook?
• No, he can't
× Drive a bus
3. Can Alan drive a bus?
• No, he can't
√ Dance
4. Can Alan dance?
• Yes, he can
× Fix his computer
5. Can Alan fix his computer?
• No, he can't
√ Draw pictures
6. Can Alan draw pictures?
• Yes, he can
Mama and papa mean when they take about the Hammers way of doing things is that They mean that Hammer handles things more violently and he doesn't listen to reason or care about the consequences of his actions.
Arranged marriages might seem unfamiliar and strange to a Western viewer, but they are actually fairly common around the world"
Arranged marriage is a form of marriage where the selection of the bride and the groom is done by other people and not the couples themselves.
It should be noted that this isn't common in the Western viewer, but they are actually fairly common around the world.
In the Western World, people usually choose their partners themselves.