Struggles of being black in America are trying to survive while being black . Which mainly means trying to stay alive in a white mans world .
it was a hot summer day. a lion and a boar reach a body for a drink. they begin arguing and fighting about who should drink first. after a while, they are tired and stop for a breath, when the notice vultures up above.soon they realize the vultures are waiting for one or both of them to fall so that they can feast on them so the lion and the boar decide to make up and become friends instead of fighting and becoming vulture food so they drink the water at the same time and go their separate ways. the moral of the story is those who strive together survive together.
hope this helps fran
Stop messing with me!!! Jesus
I would say that
There were forerunners before Martin Luther. Men like Jan Huss, Savanarola and Erasmus
were among the first to question the teachings of the Catholic Church. However it was Luther who led the first
successful break from Rome. He did not
do it on his own because he had the support of German nobles who liked what he