False, all parking revenues do not come from home team games. The home team refers to a team that plays on its ground. Parking Revenue refers to the revenue earned from the rental of parking space.
Stadium owners can generate more revenue from parking and concessions by increasing the use of their venue. Stadium parking is also one of the sources of income.
this is the method of processing wood
When it's too hot or too cold.
When a bulb of the wrong size or voltage is used in the fixture, the ballast often overheats, causing the light to shut off. The bulbs and the fixture must also match in frequency, or the ballast becomes overworked and overheated.
C. Trojan
In Cybersecurity, vulnerability can be defined as any weakness, flaw or defect found in a software application or network and are exploitable by an attacker or hacker to gain an unauthorized access or privileges to sensitive data in a computer system.
This ultimately implies that, vulnerability in a network avail attackers or any threat agent the opportunity to leverage on the flaws, errors, weaknesses or defects found in order to compromise the security of the network.
In this scenario, a security administrator is reviewing the following information from a file that was found on a compromised host: "cat suspiciousfile.txt."
Some of the ways to prevent vulnerability in a network are;
1. Ensure you use a very strong password with complexity through the use of alphanumerics.
2. You should use a two-way authentication service.
3. You should use encrypting software applications or services.