In a file extension, it tells what type of file it is and tells what compiler to run the code.
(9F7, 9F8, 9F9, 9FA, 9FB, 9FC, 9FD, 9FE, 9FF, A00, A01, A02, A03)
This means that we must find all hexadecimal values from 2551 to 2563, or 9F7 to A03. You can convert from decimal to hexadecimal for each one, or just count.
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i have made a page just for this
The answer to this question is O(NlogN).
The time complexity of Heap Sort on an array A is O(NLogN) even if the array is already sorted in increasing order.Since the Heap Sort is implemented by creating the heap from the array and then heapifying and then repeatedly swapping first and last element and deleting the last element.The process will be done for the whole array.So the running time complexity is O(NLogN).
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